Labels:book | bulletin board | daily | earth | reckoner | sky OCR: ark|14:63 Then the high priest Mark|14:69 And maid saw him again, and rent his clothes, and saith What began to say to them that stood by This is need we any further witne sses? [one] of therm Mark|14 64 Ye have heart the blasph emy what Mark|14:70 And he denied is again And little think ye? And they all condemned him t.o be after, they that stood by said again to Peter guilty of death Surely thou art [one] of therm: for thou art Mark|14 65 And some began to spit on him Galilaean and thy speech agreeth [thereto] and to cover his face, and tc buffet him, and Mark|14:71 But. he began to curse and to to say unto him, Prophesy' and the servants did swear [saying] know not this man ot whom strike him with the palms of their hands sp eak Mark|14: :66 And as Peter was beneath in the Mark|14:72 An ...